THE SOURCE: A Curriculum Guide for Reading Mentors
This guidebook is designed to help you better understand our complex language to improve and expand students’ reading skills. Your students will gain insights into our fascinating language, get excited about words, and become fluent readers. You’ll help them to develop a passion for books and an understanding of how books can provide pleasure and information.
For over a decade, Teaching Fractions and Ratios for Understanding has pushed readers beyond the limits of their current understanding of fractions and rational numbers, challenging them to refine and explain their thinking without falling back on rules and procedures they have relied on throughout their lives. All of the material offered in the book has been used with students, and is presented so that readers can see the brilliance of their insights as well as the issues that challenge their understanding. Written in a user-friendly, conversational style, this text helps teachers build the comfort and confidence they need to begin talking to children about fractions and ratios.
Assuming no knowledge of linguistics, Understanding Digital Literacies provides an accessible and timely introduction to new media literacies. It supplies readers with the theoretical and analytical tools with which to explore the linguistic and social impact of a host of new digital literacy practices. Each chapter in the volume covers a different topic, presenting an overview of the major concepts, issues, problems and debates surrounding the topic, while also encouraging students to reflect on and critically evaluate their own language and communication practices.
Understanding and Developing Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge
There has been a growing interest in the notion of a scholarship of teaching. Such scholarship is displayed through a teacher's grasp of, and response to, the relationships between knowledge of content, teaching and learning in ways that attest to practice as being complex and interwoven. Yet attempting to capture teachers' professional knowledge is difficult because the critical links between practice and knowledge, for many teachers, is tacit.
A classic developmental skills text for intermediate to advanced students of English, Understanding and Using English Grammar is a comprehensive reference grammar as well as a stimulating and teachable classroom text.