Best Practices for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning: Connecting to Psychology and the Social Sciences
The use of technology and teaching techniques derived from technology is currently a bourgeoning topic in higher education. Teachers at all levels and types of institutions want to know how these new technologies will affect what happens in and outside of the classroom. Many teachers have already embraced some of these technologies but remain uncertain about their educational efficacy. Other teachers have waited because they are reluctant to try tools or techniques that remain unproven or, as is often the case, lack institutional support.
Writing from the Margins: Power and Pedagogy for Teachers of Composition
Too often both composition teachers and their students experience knowledge and authority as unchanging entities that cannot be challenged in classroom exchanges. Drawing on feminist, cultural, and poststructuralist theory, as well as work in the rhetorical tradition and composition studies, Hill offers less debilitating methods of thinking that teachers can model for their students. Richly illustrated with examples of classroom interactions and student work, the book also shows teachers how to enrich their own intellectual and political lives within the academy.
The Teacher’s Magazine is a monthly issue specially designed for teachers of English as Foreign or Second Language. It provides creative ready-to-go materials to make their classes more active and appealing to students. The ideal magazine for English teachers that choose to work effectively with students of all levels and ages and an asset at the moment of developing contents.
This is the extensively revised 4th edition of a popular handbook It offers a successful combination of sound educational principles, a how-to-do-it approach and an entertaining easy-to-read style, and contains numerous illustrations, examples, and pertinent cartoons. This fourth edition has been revised to reflect the major changes that continue to occur in both undergraduate and postgraduate education.