The new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, grammar, critical thinking, and vocabulary development. -Developing Composition Skills focuses students on narrating, describing, analyzing, comparing and contrasting, classifying, and evaluating at the paragraph level and offers a complete introduction that bridges the gap between the paragraph and the essay level.
Ace the 2022 AP English Language & Composition Exam with this comprehensive study guide—including 4 full-length practice tests with complete explanations, thorough content reviews, targeted strategies for every section of the exam, and access to online extras.
AP English Language & Composition 2017-2018 (Kaplan Test Prep)
The Advanced Placement test preparation guide that delivers 75 years of proven Kaplan experience and features exclusive strategies, practice, and review to help students ace the AP English Language and Composition exam! Students spend the school year preparing for the AP English Language and Composition test. Now it’s time to reap the rewards: money-saving college credit, advanced placement, or an admissions edge.
This book is organized to provide as much—or as little—support as you need, so you can use this book in whatever way will be most helpful to improving your score on the AP English Language and Composition Exam.
Communicating in Written English: A Guide to Prepare for College Level Reading and Writing
Added by: panarang | Karma: 451.45 | E-Books, Other | 5 October 2020
Communicating in Written English: A Guide to Prepare for College Level Reading and Writing
Communicating in Written English: A Guide to Prepare for College Level Reading and Writing bridges the gap for students who are starting their first year in college after many years absent from the classroom. This easy guide provides tips for reading analysis, sentence structure, punctuation, writing composition, essay construction, common mistakes made by freshman college students, and general advice for your freshman composition course. The short index makes it quick and easy to find what you are looking for.