Business Law in Practice will provide students with a practical insight into the legal issues affecting all businesses. It is designed in an easy-to-follow format with practical
examples as to how the law will affect them in certain circumstances. This is achieved byuse of case studies, backed up by real life scenarios illustrated throughout the text.Business Law in Practice provides the student with a unique volume of knowledgeranging from stakeholder relations, ethical business and contract and liability, throughto compliance and risk issues. The knowledge is supported throughout by practical applications of legal principles gained.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | ESP, Only for teachers | 26 December 2011
Gives teachers practical advice for teaching vocational English to any profession. This versatile book helps teachers identify and teach the language areas - such as health and safety, instructions, and customer relations - which are common to the majority of different vocations.
This book outlines a compelling new agenda for feminist theories of identity and social relations. Using Lacanian psychoanalysis with feminist epistemology, the author sets out a groundbreaking psychoanalytic social theory. Campbell's work offers answers to the important contemporary question of how feminism can change the formation of gendered subjectivities and social relations. Drawing on the work of third wave feminists, the book shows how feminism can provide new political models of knowing and disrupt foundational ideas of sexual identity.
Explaining Individual Differences in Reading: Theory and Evidence
Research into reading development and reading disabilities has been dominated by phonologically guided theories for several decades. In this volume, the authors of 11 chapters report on a wide array of current research topics, examining the scope, limits and implications of a phonological theory. The chapters are organized in four sections. The first concerns the nature of the relations between script and speech that make reading possible, considering how different theories of phonology may illuminate the implication of these relations for reading development and skill.
This labyrinthine and extraordinary book, first published more than fifty years ago, was the outcome of Graves's vast reading and curious research into strange territories of folklore, mythology, religion and magic. Erudite and impassioned, it is a scholar-poet's quest for the meaning of European myths, a polemic about the relations between man and woman, and also an intensely personal document in which Graves explored the sources of his own inspiration and, as he believed, all true poetry.