This book addresses three fundamental questions in the study of negation: What are the main ways of expressing sentential negation? What are the distributional properties of lexically-encoded negative elements? And, what implications do the answers to these two questions have for the theory of grammar? In answering these questions, Jong-Bok Kim investigates various aspects of negation in Korean, English, French and Italian. Addressing both empirical and theoretical issues relating to negation in these languages, he develops a nonderivational, lexicalist analysis within the constraint-based framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar.
For thousands of years, the human mind has been shrouded in mystery. Elusive in nature, the subject has prompted an intensive study of several puzzling questions:
The Homeric Hymns have survived for two and a half millennia because of their captivating stories, beautiful language, and religious significance. Well before the advent of writing in Greece, they were performed by traveling bards at religious events, competitions, banquets, and festivals. These thirty-four poems invoking and celebrating the gods of ancient Greece raise questions that humanity still struggles with—questions about our place among others and in the world.
SAT Prep Black Book: The Most Effective SAT Strategies Ever Published
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68078.20 | Exam Materials » SAT | 29 April 2014
The "SAT Prep Black Book" gives you unique, effective SAT strategies from Mike Barrett, a SAT tutor with clients all over the globe who pay him hundreds of dollars an hour for phone tutoring. The Black Book is a must-have, whether you need to make a perfect 2400 to be competitive at an Ivy, score a 450 in each section to claim a sports scholarship, or anything in between. The Black Book works best when used with the authentic SAT questions in the "Blue Book," which is the College Board's Official SAT Study Guide. The Black Book shows you how to beat the SAT
This text offers medical students a case-based approach to learning the mechanisms of renal disease. Each chapter covers a disease, beginning with a patient case and followed by a discussion of the pathophysiology of the disease. Issues of differential diagnosis and therapy are linked to pathophysiologic mechanisms. Short questions interspersed throughout the text require students to apply their knowledge. Detailed answers to the questions are included.