Курс включает разговорную практику по тематике повседневной жизни с объемом новой лексики 25-30 слов за урок, интенсивное аудирование, и письменные упражнения в рамках домашних заданий. Существенное достоинство этого учебника — четкая структура,
The course includes conversation practice on daily life with a new vocabulary words 25-30 for a lesson in class, intensive listening in class and at home, and written exercises in the homework. A significant advantage of this textbook - a clear pattern consistent with the integrated development of language skills
This text presents translators from different linguistic backgrounds discussing multilingual translation in the European Union. All articles stress the political dimension of multilingualism, and the professional role of the translator as communicator, on which much of the credibility of a union "speaking with one voice in many languages" will ultimately depend.
Get Set - Go! is a lively language course for children learning English for the first time. Get Set - Go! has a carefully graded syllabus which provides steady progression in all four skills. The lower levels emphasize speaking and listening but also lay a foundation for the more demanding comprehension and story-writing skills in later levels
Effective Speaking provides the hard scientific information about audience psychology, text preparation, presentation methods, voice production, body language and persuasive advocacy which will help would-be speakers improve their performance. The emphasis throughout is on practical self-help, on methods which have been shown to work, with clear explanations of just why they are effective.
The following Picture Cards Set helps preview lessons, develop vocabulary, and stimulate expansion activities. Each one has been designed to help teachers illustrate meanings and also encourage speaking skills by creating dialogues and short stories. They accompany the popular Side By Side series, and have been indexed to make it easier to pick out depending on the needs the teacher and students face. SIZE REDUCED PICTURES + PDF by Pumukl