Smart is a carefully graded primary grammar and vocabulary series consisting of six books. It deals with traditional grammar and vocabulary through entertaining tasks.
The materials in this text were compiled over a period of ten years, in Thailand from 1993 to 2003, while I was teaching at The Faculty of Arts at Chulalongkorn University and later at the Department of Language at KMUTT. I started a file of speaking activities because there were too many tasks and ideas to keep in my head, and I wanted to be able to access them when I needed them in the future. Eventually, the file grew thicker and thicker, until it was big enough to become a book.
Книга состоит из рассказов и сказок на английском языке, которые познакомят учащихся с жизнью диких животных. К каждому тексту даны слова и выражения на русском языке для перевода, а также вопросы и задания к тексту на английском языке. Книга может быть использована как для домашнего чтения, так и для работы на уроках английского языка.
Stories about animals with the tasks for primary classes. ( beginner-elementary)
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