A revolution in working with difficult students began during the 1980s, with a dramatic shift away from dependence on simply punishing bad behavior to reinforcing desired, positive behaviors of children in the classroom. With its foundation in applied behavior analysis (ABA), positive behavior support (PBS) is a social ecology approach that continues to play an increasingly integral role in public education as well as mental health and social services nationwide.
The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements is a compilation of original, state-of-the-art essays by internationally recognized scholars on an array of topics in the field of social movement studies.
Personal Hygiene? What's that got to do with me? is a curriculum developed for students with autism, Asperger's Syndrome, learning and developmental disabilities, designed to help them understand how others perceive their appearance and the social implications of neglecting personal hygiene. Simple factual information is accompanied by humorous cartoons that emphasize how others view someone with poor hygiene. Step-by-step cartoons explain exactly what the student needs to do to ensure good hygiene. Quizzes and activity pages provide numerous opportunities for repetition and reinforcement of the key points. There are also hands-on activities to demonstrate why and how to perform various hygiene tasks. Several social stories are also provided, along with a set of worksheets that help students set up a daily schedule to allow time for completing necessary hygiene tasks.
This volume presents an interactional perspective on linguistic variability that takes into account the construction of social identities through the formation of social communicative styles. It shows that style is a useful category in bridging the gap between single parameter variation and social identity. Social positioning, i.e., finding one's place in society, is one of its motivating forces.
An encyclopedia of American women's history, this comprehensive reference book features in-depth articles on trends (e.g. birthrates, suburban growth), social movements (civil rights, feminism), ideas and concepts (domesticity, consciousness-raising), institutions (Children's Bureau, women in Congress), organizations (Girl Scouts of America, League of Women Voters), events (American Revolution), issues (abortion, Equal Rights Amendment), key legal cases (Roe v Wade, Muller v Oregon), laws and constitutional amendments, documents and publications (Ramona, Declaration of Sentiments), ethnic and social groups (African American women, Latinas), overviews (women's health, women in music and literature), and biographies of notable American women. This Companion is a perfect supplement to The Young Oxford History of Women in the United States.