Content leveled readers teach social studies concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills – at each student’s reading level – and allow students to read and explore the wonders of nonfiction. Social Studies leveled readers deliver world and American history, geography, and civics content to help address the individual needs of all students. Below-level (green), On-level (yellow), and Advanced (blue) selections give all students additional reading experiences and teach social studies content at different levels to spark student curiosity and create eager learners.
Этот интерактивный курс предназначен для тренировки произношения при изучении английского языка. Курс состоит из двух разделов – теоретического (описание звука, его артикуляция, правила чтения) и практического (фонетические упражнения). Для отработки интонации, усвоения ритма английской речи предлагаются скороговорки, которые можно прослушать в трехскоростном режиме звучания. Произношение легко проверить не только на слух, но и визуально – с помощью графика. Благодаря этому диску вы сможете самостоятельно работать над своей речью, избегая типичных ошибок. Курс рассчитан на широкую аудиторию: он будет полезен как начинающим, так и продолжающим изучать язык, в том числе и детям.
His achievements –– including the defeat of Rome′s most dangerous enemy, the conquest of large territories in the Near East, and the suppression of piracy in the Mediterranean – made him worthy of comparison with his namesake, Alexander the Great.
Until Rome looked to him to defeat one Julius Caesar.
Content leveled readers teach social studies concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills – at each student’s reading level – and allow students to read and explore the wonders of nonfiction. Social Studies leveled readers deliver world and American history, geography, and civics content to help address the individual needs of all students. Below-level (green), On-level (yellow), and Advanced (blue) selections give all students additional reading experiences and teach social studies content at different levels.
Content leveled readers teach social studies concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills – at each student’s reading level – and allow students to read and explore the wonders of nonfiction. Social Studies leveled readers deliver world and American history, geography, and civics content to help address the individual needs of all students. Below-level (green), On-level (yellow), and Advanced (blue) selections give all students additional reading experiences and teach social studies content at different levels to spark student curiosity and create eager learners.