Exploring maths Class Book is organised into units to accompany the Teacher’s Book and are designed to help strengthen pupils’ understanding:
* Includes activities, games and investigations that put maths in a real world context.
* Worked examples at the beginning of each lesson help pupils work independently.
* 3 levels of differentiation in each exercise help you pitch work at the right level.
* Specific Functional Skills tasks focus on the important process skills.
* “How well are you doing?” levelled self-assessment tests help pupils see what they need to do to improve.
* Interesting facts inform pupils about the cultural and social roots of maths.
Exploring Maths Home Book supports and consolidates the work carried out in class:
* Each lesson has a homework task reinforcing what’s been taught in class.
* Each homework task reminds pupils what they have learned in the lesson, so that they can apply it to the questions.
* Accessible language ensures that pupils can work without adult support.
Exploring Maths Teacher's book is an exceptional support:
* Over 100 hours of lessons ensure there is plenty of material to use.
* Detailed lesson notes are great for planning and provide in-depth support for non-specialist teachers.
* Over 20 Check Up and Mental Tests with levelled questions, providing rigorous assessment support.
* Lots of practical ideas for teaching maths effectively.
* Functional Skills objectives are easy to find.