12 year-old Gabe Hassad is spending Christmas vacation in Egypt with his parents. He is invited to explore a tomb by his Uncle Ben, an excursion on which he gets lost, and encounters some of its ancient residents.
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Black Hole | 14 October 2010
Sefer Ha-Ot - The Book of the Sign
This is one of the rare autobiographic books in Kabbalah. Abulafia relates his experiences and visions, some of which are really frightening. Most notable are his encounters with angels.
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Polish Encounters, Russian Identity (Indiana-Michigan Series in Russian and East European Studies)
At a time when Poland is emphasizing its distance from Russia, Polish Encounters, Russian Identity points to the historical ties and mutual influences of these two great Slavic peoples. Whether Poland adopted a hostile or a friendly stance toward Russia, the intense responses of Russian thinkers, writers, and political leaders to Poland and to Polish culture shaped Russians' idea of themselves and their place in the world.
Two unsolved murders on opposite sides of California are linked by a drawing of a hangman's noose - and nearly prove fatal for Kinsey Millhone. When she encounters a masked attacker she almost wishes she hadn't taken up this investigation. REUPLOAD NEEDED
Academic Listening Encounters: Life in Society. Listening, Note Taking, Discussion. SB + Audio
Academic Listening Encounters: Life in Society develops students’ listening and note-taking skills using a variety of recorded materials, including both informal interviews and formal classroom lectures. These engaging materials introduce students to stimulating topics in sociology, such as peer pressure, gender roles, and the influence of the media.