In British Writers, Retrospective Supplement I, the substantial reconsiderations of twenty major British and Irish authors, ranging over the centuries from Christopher Marlowe, the great Elizabethan playwright, to well-known contemporary writers, such as Seamus Heaney and Harold Pinter, are presented. In each article, the critic looks back at the whole career of an author who has made a significant impact on literary history, offering close readings, supplying biographical data, and sifting the most recent critical responses to these writers.
Providing a unique perspective on a fascinating aspect of early modern culture, this volume focuses on the role of food and diet as represented in the works of a range of European authors, including Shakespeare, from the late medieval period to the mid seventeenth century.
Managerial AccountingAccounting is not an easy subject, but this book is going to be everything that you need for understanding of managerial accounting. Easy to read and follow the authors if you put your mind to it...
With so many authors doing ripoffs of more well known authors and other writers just devolving to sex and shock, I love getting new Otherworld books. Yasmine's reliable. She tells a good story with a plot that needs resolution, antagonists and protagonists that kick butt and her world is well thought out even though she's juggling 3 very different main characters in this series and does each sister's voice in first person.
The Facts On File Companion To The British Novel (Companion to Literature Series)
An invaluable collection of encyclopedias analyzing individual literary genres, the "Companion to Literature" series focuses on drama, short stories, novels, and poetry as they are studied in high school and college curricula. Concentrating on the main authors, works, and movements that comprise each genre, the books also include minor authors and works.