Never in human history was there such a chance for freedom of expression. If we have Internet access, any one of us can publish almost anything we like and potentially reach an audience of millions. Never was there a time when the evils of unlimited speech flowed so easily across frontiers: violent intimidation, gross violations of privacy, tidal waves of abuse. A pastor burns a Koran in Florida and UN officials die in Afghanistan.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Medicine, Video | 21 June 2016
The neuroscience of drugs for therapy, for prevention, and for recreation. Drug addiction and drug abuse. You learn the prospects for new generations of medications in neurology, psychiatry, aging, and treatment of substance abuse.
Of all children reported to child protective services for suspected maltreatment in any form, the percentage of substantiated cases of actual physical abuse is quite small. There are a number of dermatological or radiologically demonstrable musculoskeletal lesions that have been, or could be mistaken for, intentional physical abuse by the inexperienced or untrained observer.
Animal abuse is an increasingly recognized issue throughout the world and makes headlines every year. The plight of animals is well documented, but the hidden cost to those who help is not fully understood. This practical handbook covers definitions, types and explanations of forms of animal abuse, and then examines the impacts of animal abuse on professionals and provides coping strategies. The book concludes with a guide to dealing with animal abuse, including providing first aid for common emergencies and dealing with the human abusers.
Have you noticed that things aren't as civil as they once were? Or that rudeness is no longer an exception but a lifestyle? Sure you have. All you need to do is set foot outside your door to see that bad manners are taking over everywhere. People are yakking on cell phones in restaurants, even at church. Folks in carpools wear enough cologne to make our eyes bleed. Complete strangers think it's OK to rub a pregnant lady's belly. Passengers abuse flight attendants, family outings to the ball park are ruined by rowdy drunks...a congressman heckled the President of the United States.