Young Learners Go! is a complete English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course that gives young learners a solid foundation and a positive first experience in learning English.
Relevant: teaches English through meaningful themes and practical contexts that are relevant to learners' daily lives
Based on the multiple intelligences theory: designed to introduce and reinforce language items through specially crafted activities that engage the multiple intelligences in learners
Spiral progression teaching: allowing for a complete understanding and acquisition of the language for learners
После длительного перерыва продолжаем знакомство с курсом Focus on Grammar (2-e издание|2nd edition). Сегодня у нас четвёртая "рабочая тетрадь" Focus on Grammar, Workbook - High-Intermediate. Авторами этой рабочей тетради являются Marjorie Fuchs и Margaret Bonner. Это сборник заданий к четвёртому тому учебного курса Focus on Grammar тех же авторов
Focus on Grammar, Second Edition - серия учебных пособий, где в основу изложения матерала положен согласованный подход из четырёх ступеней, позволяющий обучающимся проще усваивать сложные аспекты грамматики, а преподавателям - объяснять и закреплять материал с меньшими затратами усилий. В каждом тексте основного курса присутствуют такие элементы, как Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice.
За возможность ознакомления с этим изданием благодарим Blind Sniper и сайт EasyEnglish CD-ROM added
Headstart Beginner Workbook
От авторов популярного курса Headway!
Курс предназначен для взрослых учащихся, совершенно не владеющих английским языком, не умеющих писать, читать, говорить и различать английскую речь.
This is the Workbook for the first book in the Headway series, but it was published somewhat as an after thought. It really is an excellent book for adults wishing to begin learning English as a foreign language. It presumes no prior knowledge of the language, but it does make use of all those "recent" words such as "radio" or "cassette" that most students are familiar with. It is a very good classroom book, with whole class work as well as small group activities, and the workbook provides useful back-up. The audio cassette is vital, and unlike the dreaded listening activities of the later books it is not all intimidating for students.
Amercian Idioms & Some Phrases Just For Fun
Yet another American idioms & phrases book, an ESL meaning and usage workbook contains both practice exercises & test