Crush Price Objections: Sales Tactics for Holding Your Ground and Protecting Your Profit
Hold the line on price in every transaction— from the leading expert on Value-Added Selling! These days it seems like we’re always in a buyer’s market. But even at a time when the word value is used interchangeably with cheap and the Internet is a bargain hunter’s paradise, there are ways for sales professionals to regain the upper hand.
Buying at the Point of Maximum Pessimism: Six Value Investing Trends from China to Oil to Agriculture
The world’s savviest investors are those who can recognize when the herd is running headlong in the wrong direction and can take advantage of their fear and confusion. That’s never been truer than it is right now. Now, there’s a book that will show you how to earn the same outside returns these savvy value investors do. Buying at the Point of Maximum Pessimism will help you uncover enormous value opportunities that keep on emerging even as the economic crisis keeps spreading.
Gitman's proven learning system makes it easy for students to understand and fully appreciate the key concepts, tools, and techniques needed for astute financial decision making in today's competitive business arena. The text's organization conceptually links the firm's actions to its value as determined in the securities markets. Each major decision area is presented in terms of both risk and return factors and their potential impact on the owner's wealth, as reflected by share value.
Fair Value Measurements: Practical Guidance and Implementation
Praise for Fair Value Measurements: Practical Guidance and Implementation
"Writing Fair Value Measurements was a monumental task fraught with controversy not only in the U.S. but also abroad. Having coauthored a book with Mark as well as written one myself, I was even more impressed that Mark was able to navigate these fair value minefields and produce a work that will be a tremendous help to accountants and non-accountants alike. If you are looking for a 'one-stop' book on fair value measurements, this is it!"
Creating Ecological Value: An Evolutionary Approach to Business Strategies and the Natural Environment
`Creating Ecological Value is a timely contribution that matches recent trends in innovation economics suggesting that an evolutionary notion of system innovations and a sector-specific industrial dynamics perspective are a suitable analytical framework for the way in which firms address sustainability challenges through innovation.' - Marcus Wagner, University of Würzburg, Germany