Fyodor Dostoevsky Notes from Underground was first published in January and February of 1864 as the featured presentation in the first two issues of The Epoch, Dostoevsky’s second journal of the 1860s. The novel was written at one of the lowest points of Dostoevsky’s career. His first journal, Time, had recently failed, his new journal was threatened with failure, his wife was dying, his financial position was becoming ever more difficult and embarrassing, his conservatism was eroding his popularity with the liberal majority of the reading public..
Starting Points: Creating Meaningful Scrapbook Layouts From Whatever Inspires You
Find Your Inspiration Getting started can be the hardest part of scrapbooking--but it doesn't have to be. Starting Points shows you that inspiration for creating a scrapbook page can come from anywhere: an old photo, a conversation, beautiful architecture or even a clever ad in a magazine. In Starting Points, author Linda Harrison teaches you how to open your eyes to all the starting points around you, then illustrates how they can lead to an attractive and meaningful page.
This book offers a concrete and accessible treatment of Euclidean, projective and hyperbolic geometry, with more stress on topological aspects than is found in most textbooks. The author's purpose is to introduce students to geometry on the basis of elementary concepts in linear algebra, group theory, and metric spaces, and to deepen their understanding of these topics in the process. A large number of exercises and problems is included, some of which introduce new topics.
Nicomachean Ethics (sometimes spelled 'Nichomachean'), or Ta Ethika, is a work by Aristotle on virtue and moral character which plays a prominent role in defining Aristotelian ethics. The ten books which comprise it are based on notes from his lectures at the Lyceum and were either edited by or dedicated to Aristotle's son, Nicomachus.