This textbook on syntax gives students a thorough grounding in the basics of sentence structure, and at the same time acquaints them with the essentials of syntactic argumentation. This new edition is completely revised, with the chapter on X-bar syntax now split in two to give greater prominence to clauses. It also contains many new exercises, which are now graded in terms of level of difficulty. Each chapter has a section on suggested further reading material, and there is a bibliography and list of recommended reference works.
Quizzes, Questionnaires and Puzzles Cambridge Copy Collection 60 fun activities for intermediate students based around quizzes, questionnaires and puzzles. A bank of photocopiable classroom activities for teachers to use with intermediate students of English. The activities last from 20 minutes to a full lesson (50 minutes) and are easy to prepare. The material is divided into three categories: quizzes, questionnaires and puzzles. The activities are intended to provide teachers with fun activities to promote students’ speaking and reading skills. Reading and writing are also covered. This material is especially suitable for teachers who want to a diversion from their usual coursebook. It should appeal to busy teachers, who have to stand in for absent colleagues at short notice or who are looking for filler activities after completing a coursebook unit or theme. The material offers quizzes, questionnaires and puzzles on a range of topics, looking at the topic from an original angle that students can relate to, thus promoting genuinely interesting discussion. Each activity has 1-2 photocopiable pages for the students plus a short notes section for teachers, including useful language, preparation instructions, a lead-in and a follow up task. Level: Intermediate Have Fun Teaching English!)
Influential work of popular science written and read by one of the world's leading scientists and science writers.
In this
audio book based on his number one bestselling book, Dawkins presents a closely argued and intellectually exhilarating case for his radical Darwinian view of life on Earth and the place of human beings on it. Those who know his earlier works will find much additional material to savour here; those who have not yet discovered Dawkins passion for science will find this an ideal introduction to his work. 2007-08-14
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Provides students with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using authentic test material prepared by Cambridge ESOL. Each collection contains four complete tests for Academic candidates, plus extra Reading and Writing modules for General Training candidates. An introduction to these different modules is included in each book, together with an explanation of the scoring system used by Cambridge ESOL. A comprehensive section of answers and tapescripts makes the material ideal for self-study.
As we approach the start of the 21st century, we are undergoing a major revolution in information. Access to information is made easy by the many journals and magazines available on a multitude of subjects. In addition, there is a wealth of information on the world wide web (the Internet) which is available for access by all users. You can find information on almost any subject, common or obscure. Many search engines make it easy to find the information you want.