The Art Of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 10 August 2015
First published in 1973, The Art of Walt Disney is one of the most successful and influential illustrated art books on American popular culture ever published. This book was the first to reveal the wealth of concept art, animation drawings, and archival material created in the course of animating films.
Dealing with the planning of classwork, this is one of a series of practical guides for teachers which examine pedagogical areas at the centre of ELT debate. Teachers are provided with ideas designed to help them develop their own material and tailor it to their individual needs.
Learning How to Feel explores the ways in which children and adolescents learn not just how to express emotions that are thought to be pre-existing, but actually how to feel. The volume assumes that the embryonic ability to feel unfolds through a complex dialogue with the social and cultural environment and specifically through reading material. The fundamental formation takes place in childhood and youth.
CAE Practice Tests is a collection of six complete practice tests for the revised Cambridge ESOL Certificate in Advanced English examination (CAE). The tests are presented in the form that students will meet in the examination, and provide thorough, systematic exam preparation and practice. Key Features: The six CAE tests cover the range of topics, vocabulary and structures included in the CAE syllabus. The recorded material on the accompanying audio CDs with instructions, pauses and repeats, provides genuine examination conditions for the Listening Test. The full-colour photographs and illustrations provide excellent visual material for the Speaking Test.
New Success retains the best features of Success and is brought up-to-date with refreshed material. An ambitious, traditional but adult-feel course that has a more academic environment and aims at high level school-leaving exams that enable entry into University. With the same unit organisation and methodology as Success but with new material for reading and listening, New Success can be covered in one academic year at this level in Upper Secondary.