Effortless English uses the best research in the world, from top experts such as: Dr. Stephen Krashen, Dr. James Asher, Dr. J. Marvin Brown, Dr. Ashley Hastings, Dr. Brenda Murphy, David Long and Blaine Ray. The research is clear-- students who use Effortless English are better speakers than students who use textbooks, grammar, and self-study only. In every country, in every possible situation, students who learn with Effortless English methods always win against students who use old methods.
Junior High School Final Exam in English 25th April 2013 (egzamin gimnazjalny)
A set od original exam papers with answers and scripts. Features basic and extended versions. Covers all exam tasks - listening, reading, writing, and grammar.
This book is specially designed to help pupils consolidate the language introduced in the Pupil's Book. Key features: all new words and phrases listed for translation; key grammar points explained in English; lexical and grammar exercises for each unit in two sections (Vocabulary Practice, Grammar Practice).
This highly acclaimed course is popular because it both interests and stretches learners.
'The Self-study Workbook is a valuable addition to the Classroom Book. The tasks are remarkably varied from grammar exercises (including puzzles and games) to translation, listening, dictation, reading, pronunciation, to name but a few.'
Unit Worksheets with keys reuploaded Thanks to floarea
Advanced Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises contains 50 units of varied exercises to provide students with additional practice of the language they have studied in Advanced Grammar in Use Second edition.