The Facts on File Companion to the American Short Story, 2nd Edition (Companion to Literature Series)
"The Companion to Literature" series focuses on drama, short stories, novels, and poetry as they are studied in high school and college curricula. Beginning with an introduction discussing the genre and its significance, each A-to-encyclopedia contains hundreds of clearly written entries on authors, literary works and terms, themes, historical places, and more
The Facts on File Companion to British Poetry: 1900 to the Present (Companion to Literature Series)
In 450 entries ranging in length from 300 to more than 2,500 words each, "The Facts On File Companion to British Poetry: 1900 to the Present" is a new A-to-Z encyclopedic guide that introduces high school and college students to some of the best-loved 20th and 21st-century British poets and poetry. Appendixes include a general bibliography and a glossary of poetic terms
Life or Debt 2010: A New Path to Financial Freedom
If your answer is "free" or "secure" or even "happy," then this step-by-step guide to eliminating debt forever is the book for you. Stacy W. Johnson, the creator of the personal finance news series Money Talks, has already helped millions of people get out of debt, achieve financial freedom, and earn from wise investments. Now, just by reading this down-to-earth book filled with no-nonsense facts, you too can share the secrets of an amazing program that will allow you to regain control and win you financial freedom for the rest of your life.
The Facts on File illustrated guide to the human body. Reproductive system
This book is a concise, illustrated guide to the anatomy, physiology, well-being, and disorders of the human reproductive system. It has been written and illustrated specially for students and laypeople interested in medicine, health, fitness, and first aid. The subject is dealt with in clear steps, so that the reader can steadily acquire a good overall understanding.
The Facts On File Illustrated Guide To The Human Body:The Senses
This book is a concise, illustrated guide to the anatomy, physiology, well-being, and disorders of the human senses. It has been written and illustrated specially for students and laypeople interested in medicine, health, fitness, and first aid.