The Island of Truth. 1500 WORD VOCABULARY. EXERCISES WITH KEYS.This English Program is unique in providing a wide range of basic & supplementary material to meet the differing needs of students of English as a second language.
Supplement your students' grammar practice and familiarise them with exam-style formats with review exercises for Practice Grammar Basic . Exercise types include short texts with multiple-choice gap fills, key word transformations and reading comprehension. Exercises can be done in class or set for homework. For incorrect answers, refer students to the appropriate units in the book for explanation and further practice.
Using Prepositions Exercises - English to Spanish Short explanation in Spanish; all exercises in English The book Using Prepositions is an exercise book to complement Guide to Prepositions. We find that, very often, prepositions in English do not correspond to the Spanish ones. Therefore, students find it very difficult to know exactly which preposition to use in a given sentence.
Fun with writing for teenage students of English, with a wide variety of different types of writing: text messages, postcards, e-mails, letters, online chat room writing, and more. The writing activities reflect the exercises typically required in the popular KET and PET examinations.