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Neoconstructivism - The New Science of Cognitive Development

Neoconstructivism - The New Science of Cognitive Development

Arguments over the developmental origins of human knowledge are ancient.They have also persisted long enough to become a core area of inquiry in cognitive and developmental science. Empirical contributions to these debates, however, appeared only in the last century, when Jean Piaget offered the first viable theory of knowledge acquisition that centered on the great themes discussed by Kant: object, space, time, and causality. The essence of Piaget's theory is constructivism: The building of concepts from simpler perceptual and cognitive precursors, in particular from experience gained through manual behaviors and observation.
Tags: Piaget, cognitive, theory, knowledge, developmental
School Discourse: Learning to write across the years of schooling

School Discourse: Learning to write across the years of schoolingSchool Discourse: Learning to write across the years of schooling

This book tracks the developmental changes in writing across the schools curriculum, enhancing a key area of research in applied linguistics. Writing development has been a key area of research in applied linguistics for some time, but most work has focused on children's writing at particular ages. Christie and Derewianka draw on extensive research in both primary and secondary years to trace the developmental trajectory from age 5 or 6 through to 18.
Tags: research, linguistics, years, developmental, applied, across, writing, School
Bridges to Better Writing

Bridges to better writingBridges to better writing

The market is essay-level developmental writing, often referred to as the "bridge" course (to freshman composition). At the developmental level, the bridge course (and texts for it) apes freshman composition but includes more basic grammar review than the typical comp course.

Tags: course, freshman, bridge, composition, writing, Bridges, better, developmental
Developmental Editing: A Handbook for Freelancers, Authors, and Publishers

Developmental Editing: A Handbook for Freelancers, Authors, and PublishersDevelopmental Editing: A Handbook for Freelancers, Authors, and Publishers

Editing is a tricky business. It requires analytical flair and creative panache, the patience of a saint and the vision of a writer. Transforming a manuscript into a book that edifies, inspires, and sells? That’s the job of the developmental editor, whose desk is the first stop for many manuscripts on the road to bookdom—a route ably mapped out in the pages of Developmental Editing.
Tags: Editing, Developmental, first, manuscripts, editor, Authors, Publishers, Handbook
Developmental Disorders and Interventions, Volume 39

Developmental disorders and interventions, Volume 39Developmental disorders and interventions, Volume 39

Volume 39 of the Advances in Child Development and Behavior series is concerned with Developmental Disorders and Interventions. This volume provides an overview of contemporary research into cognitive, neurodevelopmental and genetic disorders of learning. The social, emotional and cognitive functioning of children with William's syndrome, Down syndrome, Fragile X and autism, reading difficulties, mathematical difficulties and working memory problems are discussed by some of the leading researchers in the field.
Tags: cognitive, Developmental, difficulties, syndrome, Volume