Cosmo Horrocks was over the moon. This was the juiciest story he'd had in years. In his job as an investigative journalist he spent his working days grubbing through the garbage bins of other people's lives (undeterred by the fact that his own wouldn't bear too much investigation), but this one seemed to have everything: religion - the man was a Catholic priest; sex - he was accused of impropriety with a teenage unmarried mother; money - he was thought to have channelled parish funds in her direction.
Added by: KEJTI58 | Karma: 1.17 | Black Hole | 11 May 2011
Graham Greene's Catholic Imagination
This book focuses on the importance of Catholicism in Graham Greene’s life and writings.
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By the Sword and the Cross - The Historical Evolution of the Catholic World Monarchy in Spain and the New World 1492 - 1825
A concise overview of Spanish America during the colonial era (1492-1825), this study attempts a synthesis of Iberian and Latin American historical narratives within the context of world history. Spanish civilization was transferred to the Americas as Spain imposed its medieval Catholic culture upon the Americas successfully replacing the elite cultures of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas. Iberian culture became indigenous by way of cross-culturalization, and Creole elites found independence inevitable once their way of life became defined by American circumstances.
Beneath the Mask of Holiness: Thomas Merton and the Forbidden Love Affair that Set Him Free
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Black Hole | 29 December 2010
Beneath the Mask of Holiness: Thomas Merton and the Forbidden Love Affair that Set Him Free
Spiritual writer Thomas Merton is the most influential American Catholic author of the twentieth century. Despite appearances to the contrary, in 1966 he was a troubled, lonely monk. Only when the suffering Merton fell madly in love with a student nurse, a forbidden, erotic affair condemned by the Catholic Church, would he discover whether his devotion to God was stronger than his dedication to the woman he called "a miracle in my life." Truly an inspirational story based on Merton's personal journals, new information and sources such as fellow monks, Beneath the Mask of Holiness presents a unique portrayal of the famous man, one never revealed in its entirety before.
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Employee Participation in Governance: A Legal and Ethical Analysis
The rights of the employee and the themes of employee ownership and participation have been central, recurring themes as the body of Catholic Social Thought has developed. There is now a unified corpus of official Catholic teaching that focuses the resources of moral theology and natural law theory on the important social issues of the day such as this. The description and explanation of the essential elements of Catholic Social Thought and its relationship to these themes helps the reader think about the place of the corporation in the economy and whether British and European corporate governance and labour law do what they should to put the employee at the centre of corporate governance.