This book challenges the reader to rethink and reimagine what diversity in language education means in transnational societies. Bringing together researchers and practitioners who contributed to the international LINguistic and Cultural DIversity REinvented (LINCDIRE) project, the book examines four pillars of innovation in language education: the Action-oriented approach, Plurilingualism, Indigenous epistemologies and Technology enhanced learning. The book critically discusses plurilingual pedagogical approaches that draw on learners' linguistic and cultural repertoires to encourage and support the dynamic use of languages in curricular innovation. It is a fundamental resource for language teachers, curriculum designers and educational researchers interested in understanding current thinking on the relevance and benefit of a plurilingual paradigm shift for language education in today's societies.
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Activating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Language Classroom (2022, True PDF, 327 pages, 4.92 MB) europeup.combonasera( Karma:15771.31) 17 May 2022 21:30
Activating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Language Classroom (2022, True PDF, 327 pages, 4.92 MB) wplik.combonasera( Karma:15771.31) 17 May 2022 21:30