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Main page » Coursebooks » Only for teachers » 50 Templates for Improving Teaching and Learning

50 Templates for Improving Teaching and Learning


There are lots of good books containing lots of interesting theory, evidence and ideas (and the bibliography refers to many of these), but how do you begin to apply these concepts?
Our intention is to bridge the gap between ideas and application. For example, if you want to see how your current work matches up to best practice, use the checklists for reflective teachers. If you want to improve the effectiveness of group work, use the group work resources. And so on.
Each resource is preceded by a brief rationale which refers to the relevant theory or concepts on which it is based. This is followed by a simple explanation or suggestion of how to use the resource and, where appropriate, a completed example for illustration.

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Tags: learning, ideas, lessons, brain-compatible, their, Templates, Learning, Improving