Catalyst 2 is an intermediate-level composition text for students who plan to take college-level courses, so you need to learn college writing skills, you will discuss and react to a rich selection of readings that are designed to act a catalyst to learning writing skills and strategies.
- Compelling readings on topics such as personalities, the meaning of art, the history of architecture, and the role of sports engage students and act as a catalyst for writing.
- A balanced approach to writing guides students through the writing process and teaches them the mechanics of good writing.
- Grammar explanations and exercises woven throughout each chapter help students express their ideas more clearly.
- Vocabulary exercises introduce high-frequency words students need in their daily lives plus words from the Academic Word List students will encounter in college.
- A variety of discussion questions encourage students to summarize readings and draw conclusions-essential skills for academic success
Note: Blank pages: xii, 28, 156, 212, 214, 218, 220
Preview Book p. 81, 92, 93

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