A primary objective of this book is to assist such students in developing whatever level of skill they aspire to in the use of speech form. It would be naive to suppose that good speech can somehow come about without effort or that it can be achieved simply through vocal drill and exercise, necessary as these may be in an incidental way.
Improve your English through Listening AudioBooks : If I'm Dead
Audiobooks are a great way to learn English. Using audiobooks as part of your English studies will get you the practice you need to become a better English speaker.
Improve your English through Listening AudioBooks : Sweet Perdition Four Horsemen
Audiobooks are a great way to learn English. Using audiobooks as part of your English studies will get you the practice you need to become a better English speaker.
Oxford Discover Writing and Spelling introduces students to a wide range of creative and academic text types and guides them through the writing process. It takes them from thinking and planning through to writing and then editing.
Imaginative stories, opinion essays, process reports. How do you help your students write engaging, interesting, well-structured pieces of writing? How do you help them organize their ideas and successfully follow the writing process?
Languages change and they keep changing as a result of communicative interactions and practices in the context of communities of language users. The articles in this volume showcase a range of such communities and their practices as loci of language change in the history of English. The notion of communities of practice takes its starting point in the work of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger and refers to groups of people defined both through their membership in a community and through their shared practices.