Лучшие юмористические рассказы на английском / Best Humorous Short Stories
В этом издании неадаптированные рассказы О. Генри, Марка Твена, Стивена Ликока, А. Конан Дойля, Саки и Брета Гарта смогут прочитать даже те, кто пока не очень хорошо знает английский. К каждой странице текста дается словарь самых нужных слов и краткие грамматические комментарии. С их помощью читатели легко уследят за сюжетом и сами не заметят, как освоят немало новых слов и устойчивых выражений, научатся увереннее употреблять грамматические конструкции и без проблем доберутся до развязки.
From the best-selling author of The Professor and the Madman, The Map That Changed the World, and Krakatoa comes a truly wonderful celebration of the English language and of its unrivaled treasure house, the Oxford English Dictionary. Writing with marvelous brio, Winchester first serves up a lightning history of the English language--"so vast, so sprawling, so wonderfully unwieldy"--and pays homage to the great dictionary makers, from "the irredeemably famous" Samuel Johnson to the "short, pale, smug and boastful" schoolmaster from New Hartford, Noah Webster. He then turns his unmatched talent for story-telling to the making of this most venerable of dictionaries.
A collection of powerful, unabridged stories, accompanied by activities for creative language classrooms. Short Stories contains eleven memorable short stories written by a wide variety of authors between the nineteenth century and the present day. Aimed at upper-intermediate and advanced level students, the book offers: * creative activities before and after reading to stimulate reading and fluency skills; * a 'Creative Development' section at the end of each unit to extend the themes and the reader's involvement with the story; * notes on the authors and stories, and teacher's notes on using the material.
Most of all,Jack Londonowes itsfamebook "NorthernStories",wherethe characters- alwaysbrightpersonality.They attractcourage, strength, courage,declare the LawSocietyoverallitsevilintransigence ofbothbreadthandcharacter andkindness.This bookincludessome of the bestwriterof short storiessuch as "Love ofLife","The manwith thescar", "light a fire", "HistoryofKish" and others.