This book examines how Russian-speaking adoptees in three US families actively shape opportunities for language learning and identity construction in everyday interactions. This work focuses on how learners achieve agency in second language socialization processes and informs the fields of second language acquisition and language maintenance and shift.
Second Language Acquisition Abroad: The LDS Missionary Experience
This volume brings together for the first time a collection of studies devoted to missionary language learning and retention. Introductory chapters provide historical perspectives on this population and on language teaching philosophy and practice in the LDS tradition.
2 Second Lean: How to Grow People and Build a Fun Lean Culture
2 Second Lean will flip your world right-side up. It's a practical way to improve your life every day by making a simple 2 second improvement. Join author, business expert, radio show host, and international speaker, Paul A. Akers, as he takes you on a LEAN journey that will transform every aspect your life... from your home to the office.
The collapse of one of the six major rail bridges over the Mississippi stirs suspicions of foul play, but with a military train ferrying deadly, unstable material from Alabama to the West Coast and the collapse of a second bridge, a crisis quickly ensues.
This volume consists of papers presented at the Conference on Language Universals and Second Language Acquisition, University of Southern California, February 1982. Published with the papers are the remarks of the originally assigned discussants. The collection represents an important cross-fertilization between research in grammatical theory and in second language acquisition. Topics dealt with in a number of the papers include word order, markedness, core grammar, accessability hierarchies, and simplified registers.