The third edition of Physics 12 has been fully revised and upgraded to match the VCE Physics Study Design. This edition is presented as a student pack consisting of the textbook and student CD. Successful features of the textbook have been retained while improvements in design and presentation will make them more stimulating and even easier to use. Recent developments in physics are included, and new contexts add appeal.
The present volume on basic physics of ultrasonographic imaging procedures provides clear and concise information on the physics behind ultrasound examinations in diagnostic imaging. It attempts to present the subject from a simple approach that should make it possible for the target groups to comprehend the important concepts which form the physical basis of ultrasonic imaging. The main target group of this manual is radiological technologists and radiographers working with diagnostic ultrasound in developing countries.
Mukhi, Lectures on Advanced Mathematical Methods for Physicists
This book surveys Topology and Differential Geometry and also, Lie Groups and Algebras, and their Representations. The former topic is indispensable to students of gravitation and related areas of modern physics, including string theory. The latter has applications in gauge theory and particle physics, integrable systems and nuclear physics, among many others. The style of presentation is such that the mathematical statements are succinct and precise, but skip involved proofs that are not of primary importance to the physics reader.
2004 Ed.—created by Harvard students for students everywhere—serve as study companions and reference tools that cover a wide range of college and graduate school subjects, including Business, Computer Programming, Medicine, Law, Foreign Language, Humanities, and Science. Titles like How to Study, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows, and HTML give you what it takes to find success in school and beyond.
The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in Nature's Creative Ability to Order the Universe
Science expositor and physics professor Davies has written a fascinating book in which he examines the centuries-old conflict between holism and reductionism: What is the source of the universe's creative potency? He argues that the basic stuff of the universematter and energyis not simply inert, but has the ability to self-organize. Drawing on recent discoveries from biology, fundamental physics, cosmology, and brain research, Davies argues that the universe is developing an essential, unfolding pattern and order. While highly debatable, this is a provocative book that should be widely read. Strongly recommended for public libraries. Robert Paul, Dickinson