At the Tabard Inn, a tavern in Southwark, near London, the narrator joins a company of twenty-nine pilgrims. The pilgrims, like the narrator, are traveling to the shrine of the martyr Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury.
This version contains explanations and offers modern synonyms of Middle English words originally used by the author.
Encyclopedia of The Peoples of Africa and the Middle East
"Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Africa and the Middle East" is a new two-volume A-to-Z reference to the history and culture of the peoples of Africa and the Middle East. This fascinating resource includes about 1,400 entries on the major peoples that have maintained a cultural identity in the area - from ancient to modern times - summarizing their history, migration, culture, belief system, social organization, and relationship to other peoples
Introduces the history, religious significance, national styles, and basic steps of traditional dance from the Middle East and North Africa, and discusses belly dancing by professional entertainers and similar dances by men.
Nuclear Logics: Contrasting Paths in East Asia and the Middle East
Nuclear Logics examines why some states seek nuclear weapons while others renounce them. Looking closely at nine cases in East Asia and the Middle East, Etel Solingen finds two distinct regional patterns. In East Asia, the norm since the late 1960s has been to forswear nuclear weapons, and North Korea, which makes no secret of its nuclear ambitions, is the anomaly. In the Middle East the opposite is the case, with Iran, Iraq, Israel, and Libya suspected of pursuing nuclear-weapons capabilities, with Egypt as the anomaly in recent decades.
Woodworker's Journal Magazine:is designed for all woodworkers (from hobbyists to professionals) looking for new project ideas, woodworking techniques and shop jigs and tips that will enhance their time in the shop. Projects are presented in a detailed step-by-step format with photos and illustrations. A full size pattern is inserted in the middle of each issue. Departments cover joinery, finishing, products, techniques and hardware.