This book is the result of a seminar series entitled Mathematical Relationships: Identities and Participation held in the UK between September 2006 and July 2007. The seminars were funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and the British Educational Research Association.
The Mind of the MathematicianWhat makes mathematicians tick? How do their minds process formulas and concepts that, for most of the rest of the world's population, remain mysterious and beyond comprehension? Is there a connection between mathematical creativity and mental illness?
Charles Babbage (1791-1871) is today remembered mainly for his attempt to complete his difference and analytical engines, the principles of which anticipate the major ideas of the modern digital computer. This book describes the evolution of Babbage's work on the design and implementation of the engines by means of a detailed study of his early mathematical investigations.
Advances in Mathematical Economics is a publication of the Research Center for Mathematical Economics, which was founded in 1997 as an international scientific association that aims to promote research activities in mathematical economics.
The ideas of mathematics can be understood through the techniques needed to solve problems which crop up in everyday life. Conversely, these problems can illustrate how mathematics develops 'naturally'. The essence of this informal book is to motivate mathematics by examining mathematical models of situations and problems that occur in the real world. Each chapter deals with a specific mathematical topic and each topic is introduced at different levels to provide motivation for students of varying mathematical maturity.