First published in 1930, Civilization and Its Discontents is one of the most influential works of pioneering psychologist Sigmund Freud. Focusing on the tension between the primitive drives of the individual and the demands of civilization for order and conformity, Freud draws upon his psychoanalytic theories to explain the fundamental structures, conflicts, and consequences of society. Written in the aftermath of World War I, Civilization and Its Discontents advances the idea that humans' instinctive desires-violent urges and sexual drives-create the need for law and structure, which, when implemented, create constant feelings of discontent.
The Tyranny of Writing: Ideologies of the Written Word (Advances in Sociolinguistics)
This book examines the powerful role of writing in society. The invention of writing, independently at various places and times in history, always stood at the cradle of powerful civilizations. It is impossible to imagine modern life without writing. As individuals and social groups we hold high expectations of its potential for societal and personal development. Globally, huge resources have been and are being invested in promoting literacy worldwide. So what could possibly be tyrannical about writing?
Brain World explores cutting-edge science and how its findings can affect human health, culture, education, global issues and more. Neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier with advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior and health.
"Advances in Management Accounting" ("AMA") publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, "AMA" is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars.
Added by: zabanbaz | Karma: 1288.64 | Periodicals, Other | 4 June 2016
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