The Handbook of Asian Englishes provides wide-ranging coverage of the historical and cultural context, contemporary dynamics, and linguistic features of English in use throughout the Asian region. This first-of-its-kind volume offers a wide-ranging exploration of the English language throughout nations in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. Contributions by a team of internationally-recognized linguists and scholars of Asian Englishes and Asian languages survey existing works and review new and emerging areas of research in the field.
Handbook of Writing, Literacies, and Education in Digital Cultures
At the forefront of current digital literacy studies in education, this handbook uniquely systematizes emerging interdisciplinary themes, new knowledge, and insightful theoretical contributions to the field. Written by well-known scholars from around the world, it closely attends to the digitalization of writing and literacies that is transforming daily life and education.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » PET | 28 October 2019
Cambridge Handbook for Teachers for exams from 2020
The new exam formats will start being used from January 2020. The changes include: new and updated tasks across all of the papers better alignment between the exams, showing clearer progression from one exam to the next an update to the way that grades are reported, bringing the exams in line with higher level Cambridge English Qualifications the separation of the Reading and Writing papers in B1 Preliminary/Preliminary for Schools.
Webster’s New World English Grammar Handbook
Webster's New World English Grammar Handbook covers all the basics of standard English usage in a concise, step-by-step format including the special "General Observation" feature that provides grammar rules and tips at a glance. This comprehensive reference is the perfect desktop reference for the non-writing professionals and students alike. Webster's New World English Grammar Handbook goes beyond the competition by providing special sections on writing, spelling, and punctuation as well as an extensive appendix on "Misused Words and Expressions."