Future Music brings you the most in-depth reviews by respected industry professionals plus news on all the latest hardware and software releases. We also interview musicians at the cutting edge of technology, and give you all the advice, music and free samples you need to get the most out of your existing set-up and improve your music making.
Pebbles (audio only) Pebbles is a two-stage early primary English course. It concentrates on oral/aural training to provide firm basis for future learning. Here's the audio. Аудиозапись к курсу для дошкольников Pebbles
Audio cutted into tracks added Thanks to Okseniya83
Future Music brings you the most in-depth reviews by respected industry professionals plus news on all the latest hardware and software releases. We also interview musicians at the cutting edge of technology, and give you all the advice, music and free samples you need to get the most out of your existing set-up and improve your music making.
The Psychology of Winning for the 21st Century written and told by Denis Waitley is the first cassette in this two cassette pack.
Time is the only resource or gift distributed equally to everyone while they are alive. How you spend your time is far more importatnt than all the material possessions you may own. Dr. Waitley explains how the new millennium gives us new opportunities to evaluate what we have done in the past and what we wish to accomplish in the future. This audio provides a unique perspective on what it takes to win in the future.