Pebbles presents Nursery Rhymes ” in English with good animation and music. The Rhymes are presented in 3D made for the children to have a real life feeling .
The 80 selected popular rhymes, offer the children a fun-time, with a buddy character introducing each of the rhymes.
Pebbles is a two stage primary course that uses traditional stories to recycle language. It concentrates on oral/aural training to provide a firm basis for learning, with simple reading and writing introduced in Pebbles 2. * Appealing story / dialogue presentation grabs children's attention and comprehension * Vivid mix of fantasy and real life characters enters the child's world
* Clear syllabus progression, with lots of recycling, makes the course easy to teach * Single write-in Coursebook at each level * Simple to use - one book, one lesson, one page!
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Black Hole | 9 February 2011
Making Beautiful Bead & Wire Jewelry
For her latest book, bestselling author Linda Jones has created 30 imaginative, contemporary-looking designs that are both quick and easy to make. Bead and wire jewellery is one of the fastest-growing crafts, with more and more people discovering the joys of making unique, hand-crafted pieces every year. In these recession-hit times, Linda Jones demonstrates how almost anything - from old buttons and broken necklaces, to pebbles picked up on a stroll along the beach, and even household staples such as washers, bolts and plumbing chain
Pebbles is a two stage primary course that uses traditional stories to recycle language. It concentrates on oral/aural training to provide a firm basis for learning, with simple reading and writing introduced in Pebbles 2. * Appealing story / dialogue presentation grabs childrens attention and comprehension * Vivid mix of fantasy and real life characters enters the child's world
* Clear syllabus progression, with lots of recycling, makes the course easy to teach * Single write-in Coursebook at each level * Simple to use - one book, one lesson, on page!