The fast and easy way for Baby Boomers to protect their financial future Are you nearing (or already basking in) retirement? This helpful guide addresses the unique financial opportunities and challenges you'll face as you enter your golden years.
Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance
This myth shattering book reveals the methods Nouriel Roubini used to foretell the current crisis before other economists saw it coming and shows how those methods can help us make sense of the present and prepare for the future.
For the last twenty years "The Research in Finance Book Series" has been publishing papers that cover issues of significance and interest in finance and economics. The topics found in the series span a wide range and have made substantial contributions to the literature with articles from key figures in the world of finance. Volume 26, "Coping with Systemic Risk", is no exception and provides a valuable addition to the current research of finance in this area.
The Little Data Book on External Debt provides a quick reference for users interested in external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, key debt ratios, and the currency composition of long-term debt for all countries reporting through the Debtor Reporting system. A pocket edition of the Global Development Finance 2009, Volume II: Summary and Country Tables, it contains statistical tables for 135 countries as well as summary tables for regional and income groups.
This book presents an integrated approach. It includes a strong managerial orientation and strategic focus, uses an organizing framework, has extensive research citations, links theory to practice. Services encompass a very wide range of activities , e.g, health care, education, tourism, insurance and finance. This book is a very successful book written by one of the leading writers and researchers in services marketing and management.