Science Illustrated delivers natural science, break through discoveries and an understanding of the world for the entire family. Packed with stunning photography and in-depth editorial it’s a visually spectacular gateway to the world – from the beginning of life to distant objects in the universe. Science and Discovery has never looked this good!
Archaeology: An Introduction to the World's Greatest Sites
The work of archaeologists has commanded worldwide attention and captivated the human imagination since the earliest days of the exploration, with groundbreaking discoveries such as the treasures of ancient Egypt, the lost kingdoms of the Maya, and the fabled city of Troy. Archaeology brings us face-to-face with our distant ancestors, with treasures of the past, and with life as it was lived in long-ago civilizations.
Added by: zabanbaz | Karma: 1288.64 | Audio, Audiobooks, Other | 14 September 2018
Near and Distant Neighbors [Audiobook
Previous histories have focused on the KGB, leaving military intelligence and the special service-which specialized in codes and ciphers-lurking in the shadows. Drawing on previously neglected Russian sources, Haslam reveals how both were in fact crucial to the survival of the Soviet state. This was especially true after Stalin's death in 1953, as the Cold War heated up and dedicated Communist agents the regime had relied upon-Klaus Fuchs, the Rosenbergs, Donald Maclean-were betrayed. In the wake of these failures, Khrushchev and his successors discarded ideological recruitment in favor of blackmail and bribery.
This bookuses the figure of the Victorian heroine as a lens through which to examine Jane Austen’s presence in Victorian critical and popular writings. Aimed at Victorianist readers and scholars, the book focuses on the ways in which Austen was constructed in fiction, criticism, and biography over the course of the nineteenth century. For the Victorians, Austen became a kind of cultural shorthand, representing a distant, yet not too-distant, historical past that the Victorians both drew on and defined themselves against with regard to such topics as gender, literature, and national identity.
In upstate New York, a 13-year-old girl and her horse are hit by a 40-ton truck. They both survive, but suffer horrible injuries. When the girl's mother hears about a man said to have the gift of healing troubled horses, they set off for distant Montana, where their lives are changed for ever.