Academic Writing: At the Interface of Corpus and Discourse
This is a selection of recent work by experts in academic written discourse that illustrates how corpus linguistics and discourse analysis can work as complementary approaches. Contemporary research into written academic discourse has become increasingly polarised between two approaches: corpus linguistics and discourse analysis. This volume presents a selection of recent work by experts in academic written discourse, and illustrates how corpus linguistics and discourse analysis can work as complementary approaches.
Evaluative Semantics proposes a strongly postmodernist theory of cognition, ideology and discourse in which the structure and internal consistency of ideology resemble those of evaluative knowledge of the mind. The strength of this book is that it goes beyond purely theoretical claims to propose an original connectionist model of evaluative interpretation. Malrieu's new semantics makes a unique contribution to the literature of cognitive science, linguistics, and discourse analysis.
Language Teacher Identities: Co-constructing Discourse and Community
This book explores the development of the first cohort of students to complete a new Bachelor of Education in English language teaching in the United Arab Emirates, theorizing the students' learning to teach in terms of the discursive construction of a teaching identity within an evolving community of practice.
Recently there has been a growing interest among discourse analysts in incorporating prosody into the analysis of spoken language. Wennerstrom considers the role of prosody in a variety of discourse genres and offers an over-all framework within which future analysis might continue.
English as a Lingua Franca in Higher Education: A Longitudinal Study of Classroom Discourse
With English-medium higher education burgeoning in Europe and elsewhere outside the English-speaking world, this book is the first to offer an ethnographically-embedded analysis of such classroom discourse by taking cognizance of English functioning as a lingua franca (ELF) in international student groups. By virtue of investigating one such educational programme in its entirety, the study also enlarges the present knowledge on ELF discourse as it offers novel insights into the interactional dynamics that shape and develop an educational community of practice.