Fly High is a motivating four-level course for young learners that integrates reading, grammar, writing, listening, and speaking skills in a fun and engaging way. Language is presented in humorous cartoon stories and follows the adventures of the Fly High characters.
Pupil's CD-ROM with interactive songs and games offer further opportunities for consolidation and revision
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Active Reading. Level 3. CD-ROM
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Active Reading. Level 3. CD-ROM.
This CD ROM contains the interactive book, audio materials, vocabulary, practice tasks and tests.Huck and Jim travel down the Mississippi from St. Petersburg to Cairo. Jim is a runaway slave so they have to be careful. They have a lot of adventures on the river. They even meet a king! But is he real? Huck soon finds out the truth.
This CD-ROM is a complete resource for testing and continuous assessment, with materials that you can customize for your students and your teaching situation.
This CD-ROM works in two ways:
In your computer it has tests and continuous assessment materials. These are provided as PDFs which you can print out and photocopy.
In your CD player it has listening test material to use in class.
Practice Exam Papers for Russian National Exam. ЕГЭ. (CD ROM)
Данный CD-ROM создан на базе учебника и аудиоматериалов Practice Exam Papers for Russian National Exam. ЕГЭ. Предназначен для учащихся средних школ России при самоподготовке дома и для работы в классе. Включает разнообразные задания по всем пяти разделам предстоящего экзамена. Сам формат заданий максимально приближен к тому, что может ожидать учащихся во время процедуры выпускных испытаний. Задания интерактивны и со звуковым сопровождением.