Sometimes it is difficult to make an accurate translation because we do not understand certain expressions that are very informal, or some phrasal verbs, etc.
In this works boris tries to explain to you, in a more standard English, those expressions and phrasal verbs so that you all can get better the main ideas of the songs.
It is not only a song with its lyrics. It has Grammar, phrasal verb, and idiom explanations; and some pronunciation.
Educational Technology, Teacher Knowledge, and Classroom Impact: A Research Handbook on Frameworks and Approaches
Recent technological innovation has altered the way educators approach teaching and learning. These new technologies provide countless advantages in the classroom; however, we are not yet clear on how they should be implemented. The pedagogical value of specific technology tools and the cumulative effects of technology exposure over time on student learning are two areas that need to be explored in order to better determine the effectiveness of technology as a teaching tool.
Writing Fitness: Practical Exercises for Better Business Writing
Filled with practical business writing exercises and activities, this workbook covers basic organizational skills, clear and concise writing, spelling, punctuation tips, and much more. The focus is on ways to edit, tone, and clarify business memos, letters, and reports.
Quick Activities to Build a Very Voluminous Vocabulary (Grades 4-8)
Puzzle Charades, Word Pyramids, Vocabulary Plays, and Synonym Concept Wheels are just a few of the classroom-tested activities that will get all your students excited about learning vocabulary. Also includes mini-lessons, graphic organizers, and learning strategies. Plus, with their “voluminous” vocabularies your students are sure to become better writers, readers, and test-takers!
The Most Beautiful House; Gobbolino and the Little Wooden House (Part 3); The Orchestra that Lost Its Voice; Stone Soup; The Man Who Knew Better; How the Polar Bear Became; The Marrog