A comprehensive tool to help boost your score on the English, Reading, and Writing portions of the ACT. If you're one of the more than 1.9 million high school students who take the ACT every year and want to boost your English, Reading, and Writing score, than this is the ideal study resource for you! McGraw-Hill Education's Conquering ACT English, Reading, and Writing, Fourth Edition is the most complete, in-depth review guide available for all of the verbal topics tested on the ACT.
IELTS Writing Book: "IELTS Writing Masterclass 8.5. Master IELTS Writing Academic + General Task 1 & 2, Including Graphs, Letters, Essay Writing & Grammar for IELTS Academic & General Training" IELTS Writing Academic + General Task 1 & 2 are vital in order to get the highest band scores in the official IELTS test, as well as to increase your general level of English. Master graph description writing, formal and informal letter writing, essay writing & grammar for the IELTS Academic & General Training tests in a short space of time with this special edition IELTS writing book crammed full of highly focused and easy-to-follow practice activities and secret tactics.
Junior High School Final Exam in English 25th April 2013 (egzamin gimnazjalny)
A set od original exam papers with answers and scripts. Features basic and extended versions. Covers all exam tasks - listening, reading, writing, and grammar.
Handbook of Writing, Literacies, and Education in Digital Cultures
At the forefront of current digital literacy studies in education, this handbook uniquely systematizes emerging interdisciplinary themes, new knowledge, and insightful theoretical contributions to the field. Written by well-known scholars from around the world, it closely attends to the digitalization of writing and literacies that is transforming daily life and education.
American Speakout follows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.