Add the newest means of advertising your business into your marketing mix by developing an online advertising strategy. This get-down-to-business guide will show you how. Written by executives from Yodle, a New York-based firm specializing in online advertising, this book reveals the best and brightest ways to get the word out, from creating a Web presence that draws visitors, to using SEO, to jumping boldly into social media advertising.
Hello, Cupcake!: Irresistibly Playful Creations Anyone Can Make
Witty, one-of-a-kind imaginative cupcake designs using candies from the local convenience store. America's favorite food photography team, responsible for the covers of America's top magazines, shows how to create funny, scary, and sophisticated masterpieces, using a zipper lock bag and common candies and snack items. With these easy-to-follow techniques. No baking skills or fancy pastry equipment is required. Spotting the familiar items in the hundreds of brilliant photos is at least half the fun.
Hello, Cupcake!: Irresistibly Playful Creations Anyone Can Make
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Black Hole | 17 June 2010
Hello, Cupcake!: Irresistibly Playful Creations Anyone Can Make
Witty, one-of-a-kind imaginative cupcake designs using candies from the local convenience store. America's favorite food photography team, responsible for the covers of America's top magazines, shows how to create funny, scary, and sophisticated masterpieces, using a zipper lock bag and common candies and snack items. With these easy-to-follow techniques, even the most kitchen-challenged cooks can
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Added by: intra | Karma: 87.38 | Kids | 13 June 2010
My First English Adventure helps you engage and motivate your pupils, making English relevant to them by using the magical worlds of the Disney stories and characters they already know and love.
* Helps you cater for the many different learning styles you may find in your class with a variety of activities including songs, stickers, drawing and Total Physical Response * Encourages your pupils to start speaking in English - fun songs and chants really get pupils’ attention
Zone Golf with CD: Master Your Mental Game Using Self-Hypnosis
The only book showing how self-hypnosis can help you master your golf game Zone Golf is a revolutionary handbook showing how you can use your mind to improve your golf game. Hypnosis is one of the quickest and most effective ways to create long-lasting change, and Zone Golf offers some powerful weapons against the yips, missed putts, and shots in the bunker. You'll learn how the Zone secrets can take your game to a completely different level: