Of all the literary forms, the novel is arguably the most discussed . . . and fretted over. Thomas C. Foster now examines the grammar of the popular novel. Exploring how authors choices about structure, How to Read Novels Like a Professor shares the keys to this language with readers who want to get more insight, more understanding, and more pleasure from their reading.
This practical resource demonstrates how all clinicians can broaden and enhance their work with children by integrating drawing into therapy. The book enables therapists to address the multidimensional aspects of children's art without resorting to simplistic explanations. Approaching drawing as a springboard for communication and change, Malchiodi offers a wealth of guidelines for understanding the intricate messages embedded in children's drawings and in the art-making process itself.
Understanding Children's Mathematical Graphics: Beginnings in Play
Published: 2011
Pages: 234
Key features include:
- Numerous new examples and case studies of children from birth to 6 years,highlighting the complexity and richness of children's thinking
- Explanation of pedagogical issues - showing how they can support rich play and mathematics
- Draws on the authors' latest research
This book is valuable reading for students, teachers, primary mathematics coordinators' and all early years' professionals working in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.
Understanding the Brain, a 36-lecture course by award-winning Professor Jeanette Norden of Vanderbilt UniversitySchool of Medicine, takes you inside this astonishingly complex organ and shows you how it works, from the gross level of its organization to the molecular level of how cells inthe brain communicate. With its combination of neurology, biology, and psychology, this course will help you understand how we perceive the world through our senses, how we move, how we learn and remember, and how emotions affect our thoughts and actions.
The Critical Tradition: Classic Texts and Contemporary Trends
Published: 2006
Pages: 2075
This bestseller balances a comprehensive and up-to-date anthology of major documents in literary criticism and theory -- from Plato to the present -- with the most thorough editorial support for understanding these challenging readings.