Added by: gorillazgirl | Karma: 75.72 | Black Hole | 30 October 2009
Reach into Backpack and discover a course packed full of exciting activities and bursting with opportunities to learn and use English! Backpack focuses on getting young learners to enjoy communicating in English and takes a highly integrated approach to developing grammar, vocabulary and all four language skills.
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Added by: stovokor | Karma: 1758.61 | Fiction literature | 9 October 2009
The book "You Have Been Disconnected" is well written and easy to follow. Rida Allen has created a delightful romantic story that takes a look at the virtual world that we all live in today. Ms. Allen's use of conversations through email and instant messaging in the story is totally realistic. The development of the main character Phil was extremely well done. It takes the reader from looking at the life of a recluse, to the life of an open and lovable person.
Absolute Beginner's Guide to WordPerfect® 12 teaches you how to create many different types of documents. Letters, invoices, lists, financial reports, newsletters, invitations, legal pleadings, mini-spreadsheets, presentation materials with charts, graphics, and tables of contents-WordPerfect can do all this and more. This book takes you step by step through the most essential tasks with plenty of illustrations that show you where you should be.
Written for students encountering the topic for the first time, this introduction explains in non-technical language how a second language is acquired; what the second language learner needs to know; and why some learners are more successful than others. The textbook logically introduces a range of fundamental concepts--such as SLA in adults and children, formal and informal learning contexts, and diverse socio-cultural settings. It takes an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging students to consider SLA from linguistic, psychological and social perspectives.
Retells the traditional tale of Jack and the beanstalk with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy playing major roles. This is a cute re-telling of Jack and the beanstalk with a few changes. In this version there are no worries that Mickey might be doing wrong to steal the harp (which is the only thing he takes) from the giant as it originally belonged to the castle near Mickey's house.