Инновационный УМК “Millie-Starter” для 1-го класса с мультимедиа приложением сочетает традиционные и новейшие разработки в области преподавания английского языка младшим школьникам с помощью информационно-компьютерных технологий. MILLIE STARTER is intended for students aged 6-7 (first grade).
Программа “Enjoy Listening and Playing” для 3-го класса создана как мультимедиа приложение к учебнику “Enjoy English” для 3-го класса и является продолжением серии мультимедиа продуктов для 2-го и 4-го классов.
Get ready for the dialogues by learning the following idiomatic expressions and their equivalents in standard English. The course has 21 lessons performed by American speakers.
A program for learning grammar and vocabulary ranging from beginner A1 to intermediate B1. Application is based on the book "Language in Use" by Adrian Doff and Christopher Jones. FOR POLISH SPEAKERS ONLY.
Vaughan Systems Student's Manual II This book, along with the Student's Manual I, forms the base of the methodology of Vaughan Systems. We will find explanations grammar, but with a newness, they are in Castilian! Finally we will be safe of to have included/understood the theoretical explanation well! Next, we will find multitude of real examples, used in daily situations. For Spanish speakers