This book, along with the Student's Manual I, forms the base of the methodology of Vaughan Systems. We will find explanations grammar, but with a newness, they are in Castilian! Finally we will be safe of to have included/understood the theoretical explanation well! Next, we will find multitude of real examples, used in daily situations. In addition, the book insists on the articulation, but with an approach very easy to apply: “to lot of” pronounces “alбtaf” or “won't” pronounces “uуunt”. Writing by Richard Vaughan, President and founder of Vaughan Systems, the Student's Manual is the basic tool to follow a class with professor of Vaughan Systems. Book II contains more complex structures something (giving by known to all the content of the Student's Manual I): irregular verb, readings, reported speech, modal verbs, conditional, how to formulate questions in English, phrasal verbs, etc. For Spanish speakers