Basic English Grammar And Structures - FULL COURSE
In this course, you will see A1 – A2 Elementary Level English structures and their grammatical usage in different contexts and examples. With slow and clear explanations, you will learn fast and after watching each video lesson, you will be guided to do some activities to settle down the knowledge you have gained. You will just need to watch the videos and do the activities.
Song quiz Vol.2 (Settle Down-Kimbra)This material, prepared by Ridvan B. Saglam, aims to improve learners’ listening ability by presenting authentic sources. Meanings of possible unknown vocabularies and phrases were given with extra examples and pictures. By this way, it gets easier to understand the song. After practising the words, it is possible to listen and do the ‘fill in the blanks‘ activity. Also, by the help of a flash game, learners can practise target vocabularies in a funny way. Hope you enjoy it.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 20 August 2011
Always the Bridesmaid
What do you do after you walk down the aisle in four weddings in a few months-none of them your own? What's left after you've donned the must-have-not dresses of the season, forked over your cash, and fake-smiled your way through countless photos? After you've dealt with the smashed guest, the smooshed cake, the dashed hopes, and the missed bouquets? That's what Cate Padgett is starting to wonder, as she embarks on stint after stint on the sidelines, watching friends swap bar-hopping for baby-naming...while her own love life goes nowhere fast. But is Cate unwilling to settle down-or just unwilling to settle? And can anyone really judge her if they haven't walked in her dyed-to-match shoes?
Caroline Dawson survived the town gossips who whispered behind her back. She survived the slow death of her husband, Roscoe Lancaster, the richest man in the county and her senior by three decades. But she feared she might not survive Rink Lancaster, her husband's son. Years before she married, when she and Rink were teens, he had introduced Caroline to her first tremulous taste of love - and then broke her heart. Now Rink is back. He says he wants to settle his father's estate. But driven by a storm of emotions as undeniable as before and more dangerous than ever, what he really wants is to settle the score with Caroline.
The collapse of Enron Corp. in the fall of 2001 had a peculiar side effect: accounting became front page news. For the next year, accounting fraud at a long series of "Fortune" 500 companies made headlines. The worst cases led to spectacular bankruptcies, mass layoffs, and criminal prosecutions. Many other companies remained intact, but paid millions of dollars to settle charges that their books did not correspond to financial reality.