Alphabetizing - Learn how to alphabetize words with Ellie the Elephant.
Ordinal Numbers - Pick the balloon's ordinal number between first and tenth.
Parts of a Book - From cover to cover!
Secret Phonics - This is just plain fun for everyone! Guess the word by putting together the first letter of each picture. This lesson has a content editor allowing you to enter your own set of mystery words for game play!
Short or Long? - Determine whether the word has a short or long vowel sound.
Smart Dots - count by 2 to10 by connecting the dots to reveal the hidden picture! The lesson editor lets you change the user-level for your child at any time.
Fiction or Nonfiction? - Is this book a fiction book or a non-fiction book? This lesson shows you how to tell easily by sight.
An invaluable set of photocopiable picture prompts for essential language work. Topics include: Food and drink, leisure, travel, weather and calendar, people and jobs, vital verbs, holidays, round the town.
-Over 300 cartoon pictures and picture boards including blank masters for adaptation. -Use for both presentation and practice. -Detailed, easy to follow Teachers' Notes with suggestions for 500 games and activities. -For work with small or large groups. -Beginners to Advanced. -Age 10 to Adult. -Vocabulary lists.
Speak Out - единственный в России цветной иллюстрированный журнал для изучающих и преподающих английский язык. На его страницах - информация об англоязычных странах, новости музыкальной жизни, короткие рассказы, сценарии пьес для постановки в школьных театрах, поэтические конкурсы, тексты популярных песен, кроссворды и чайнворды, психологические тесты, логические задачи, а также такие серьезные вещи, как образцы заданий, предлагаемых абитуриентам на вступительных экзаменах.
An illustrated magazine for those who study and teach English. On its pages you find information about English-speaking countries, news, music life, short stories, scripts for plays in school theater productions, poetry contests, the texts of popular songs, crosswords and chaynvordy, psychological tests, logic problem, as well as such serious things as samples of job offered admission to entrance examinations. ENGLISH CONTENT ONLY!
So Many Bunnies - A Bedtime ABC and Counting Book (a picture book by Rick Walton)
Old Mother Rabbit lives in a shoe, she knows exactly what to do with her 26 offspring. After feeding them broth and carrots, she puts them all to bed in some rather strange places, leading readers through her house and garden as well as the alphabet: "1 was named Abel. He slept on the table". Comforting and cozy, this attractive title is a good choice for pajama storytimes.