This book is devoted to advanced-level students who wish to expand their language competence or refresh their knowledge of idioms. More than 1500 idiomatic expressions are tested and fully explained in a wide range of exercises divided into specific categories. The explanations of the idioms are included in the Idiom glossary. The book is with answer key.
Perfect Phrases for Motivating and Rewarding Employees, Second Edition
The Right Phrase for Every Situation...Every Time Keeping employees motivated is crucial to your company's performance. This comprehensive, quick-reference guide for managers offers you hundreds of ready-to-use phrases at your fingertips. No matter what the situation--whether you're giving a pep talk or inspiring a direct report in a one-on-one meeting--Perfect Phrases for Motivating & Rewarding Employees will provide you with the right words at right time.
You've heard it a million times: "The customer is always right." But let’s face it - sometimes the customer is misinformed, confused, or downright difficult. The ability to handle such customers is what separates the serious professional from the average employee. Perfect Phrases for Customer Service, second edition, provides the language you need for everyday customer service situations and includes simple, effective techniques that can help you meet even the most demanding customer needs.
This Book is a reference work containing definitions and explanations of many famous phrases, allusions and figures, whether historical or mythical. Originally published in 1870 by the Reverend E. Cobham Brewer, it was aimed at the growing number of people who did not have a university education, but wanted to understand the origins of phrases and historical or literary allusions. The 'phrase' part of the title refers mainly to the explanation of various idioms and proverbs, while the 'fable' part might more accurately be labelled 'folklore' and ranges from classical mythology to relatively recent literature.